Calculating Foot Target Values

A couple of weeks ago we calculated cold alignment targets from field data. We ended up with angles and offsets but the class wanted to go through the math involved in calculating the foot values. It was an interesting math exercise so if you’re up for some brain stretching, follow along. Here are our target…

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Should Thermal Growth Affect Angular Misalignment?

In my post “How Does Calculating Your Own Alignment Targets Work?”, I discussed using a hot check to determine proper alignment targets. Thermal growth is not rocket science. However, it is often misunderstood. I see people causing harm by compensating for thermal growth incorrectly. Let’s look at a simple blower illustration: If we assume that…

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How Does Calculating Your Own Alignment Targets Work?

A recent training class offered us an opportunity to check both the hot and cold alignment conditions on a blower. It was a great time to calculate our own thermal offset values from field data and compare them to the OEM recommendation. So how do we go about doing this? Why would we even want…

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