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Axial Spacing of Flexible Couplings

flexible coupling on table

What is often called “axial alignment” of couplings is really not shaft alignment at all.  Proper shaft alignment consists of offset (parallel) alignment and angular alignment, which is really the coupling gap difference (top to bottom and side to side). These measurements are vertical and horizontal. Axial spacing allows for sufficient space between the coupling…

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Guide To Aligning Vertical Pumps

Vertical pumps in an industrial facility.

Vertically-oriented pumps are used primarily in municipal water, HVAC, and power plant operations, although it is not uncommon to see small vertical pumps in many industrial applications. Many vertical pumps utilize a flexible coupling to transfer power from the motor to the pump, so proper shaft alignment is an important part of overall machine reliability. …

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Choosing the Best Laser Shaft Alignment Tool

When companies seek a laser alignment tool, they often struggle to determine which option is best for their specific requirements. Some may opt for a “cheap” solution and choose the least expensive model, while others aim for “the best” without fully understanding what “the best” entails for their situation. “The best laser alignment tool” is…

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The Real Cost of Compressed Air

Acoem SoundCam Ultra 3 detecting leak in facility

Acoem USA has recently begun selling the SoundCam Ultra 3, an easy-to-use acoustic imager and video leak detector that can detect, measure, and display air and gas leaks, vacuum leaks, as well as partial electrical discharges, and includes infrared capabilities. There are other tools available to detect air leaks, so what’s the big deal? A…

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Pump Turbulence and Vibration

Centrifugal pump and piping

A few years back, we posted a blog about one of the most common vibration signatures measured on pumps: turbulence.   Causes of Turbulence in Pump Systems Several different things can cause turbulence in a pump system: Cavitation: when “cavities” of low-pressure vapor bubbles form in the suction side of the pump. Aeration or Air Entrapment:…

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V-Belt Sheave Alignment Tolerances and Why They Matter

A maintenance worker is feeling a V-belt with his hand. The V-belt is attached to a blue industrial motor.

While V-belt sheave alignment tolerances are not as precise as tolerances for precision shaft alignment, they are important. Proper sheave alignment (along with correct belt tension and proper ventilation) will: Increase Belt and Sheave Life Minimize Vibration Reduce Heat (Friction) from V-belt/Sheave Contact   Types of V-Belt Misalignment Just like for shaft alignment, there are…

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Inadequate Piping Support’s Impact on Alignment

Pipe strain happens when the piping is not adequately supported, either by the use of pipe supports underneath (stiff legs), hangers, or both. It can cause problems when bolting up flanges and can contribute to premature seal failure. Pipe strain can also move the pump or base. For those performing precision shaft alignment, this can…

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Flat Bases and Why They Matter

In reliability and maintenance, base-related vibration and alignment problems have been common issues encountered. Problems such as: Soft foot Bearing misalignment within machines – such as motors, pumps, compressors, etc. Seal and bearing failures – related to radial loading, due to tightening down the pump to a base that isn’t flat Hold down bolts becoming…

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Using the Bearing Defender as a PM Tool

Acoem’s Bearing Defender sensor is a true wireless 3-channel accelerometer.  It can be used with a tablet or smartphone to detect common vibration problems quickly and easily on a machine-with no training or certification required. It can be used standalone (with a smartphone or other device for the display), or in conjunction with Acoem’s more…

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The Silver Tsunami and What You Can Do About It

I recently heard the term “silver tsunami” at a conference in Florida. It has been around since the 1980s. It refers to the current and pending retirements of Baby Boomers (Gen X is not far behind), and the void it will create in the workplace. Not as much a void of people but a void…

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Learn to Hold Down Your Equipment!

During a recent balancing class, I was requested to help the customer balance a couple of fans. Typically, our services team does this, but I agreed to help. When we got to this rooftop penthouse, I noticed a few things: The fan wheel, housing, and shaft were coated in a fairly thick coat of rust…

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How Many Times Do I Need to Align This Machine?

A customer called me recently with concerns about a pump alignment job he completed about six months earlier. He had checked the alignment again and found that the alignment values changed. He was concerned that he had done something wrong. I explained to him that he was performing the alignment correctly, however, the machine could…

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V-Belt Sheave and Groove Gauges

V-belts are cheap, right? That’s what most people in industry think, but a dumpster full of worn-out belts represents a good amount of money. Not only that, but the time required to change belts, along with any downtime, can be significant. Make Belt Drives Efficient Belt drives need four things to make them efficient: Proper…

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Why V-Belt Tension Gauges Matter

An often-overlooked precision maintenance tool is the V-belt tension gauge. Many maintenance technicians believe they can just go by “feeling” for what proper belt tension should be. In our Reliable Precision Maintenance (RPM) course, we often let mechanics tension the belts to what they “feel” is correct.  Then we check the tension with a V-belt…

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Performing Shaft Alignment on a Caterpillar!

Maintenance worker looks at 1000 hp Caterpillar engine attached to a pump in an industrial setting.

Aligning motors to pumps, fans, compressors, etc., it’s what we do. But occasionally we get to assist a customer perform some real “millwright” work! Case in point – a 1000HP Caterpillar engine, driving a backup floodwater pump for a large municipality in the southeast US. This pump is critical to prevent flood water from mixing…

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