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The Importance of Mechanical Skills in the Data Center: HVAC

Knowledge of HVAC systems is essential for data center workers since heating, ventilation, and air conditioning are so integral to the data center. A good HVAC technician will be familiar with a wide range of HVAC systems, controls, and installation methods. The skills needed for a thorough knowledge of HVAC include: Knowledge of refrigeration Knowledge…

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The Importance of Mechanical Skills in the Data Center: Lubrication

Another important skill a data center maintenance worker needs is an understanding of the fundamentals of lubrication. Although lubrication may seem simple, there is a good deal of skill behind knowing proper lubrication methods, quantities, and the difference between over and under lubrication. And because under or over lubrication can cause serious problems such as…

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The Importance of Mechanical Skills in the Data Center: Precision Measurement

We have been privileged to both sell tools and shaft alignment, vibration testing, and precision maintenance training for several different data centers throughout the US.  Most of the maintenance technicians we encounter have solid electronics and computer skills, but some are less experienced with mechanical skills. Thus, some of the challenges faced by these maintenance…

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Emergency Generators: Making it Possible for the Show to Go On

Just like for any plant, it is critical for the data center to sustain minimal to no interruptions to normal processes. The amount of (often sensitive) data housed in the data center servers makes it imperative that data centers continue to run, no matter the conditions. This is why backup generators are so important. In the…

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Data Center Fans: Blowing More Than Hot Air

In this installment of our data center maintenance series, we will discuss fans. While HVAC chillers ensure cool water supplied to fans for cool air is pumped into the servers in a data center, fans ensure that the hot air from the servers is removed efficiently and redirected to the Computer Room Air Conditioning (CRAC)…

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HVAC Chillers: Keeping Things Cool in the Data Center

This is the second installment of our series on data center equipment and maintenance. Among the types of equipment that require mechanical maintenance in a data center are HVAC chillers. HVAC chillers are widely used in data centers to cool the water used for heating, ventilation, and AC units. Since these chillers often run nonstop,…

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Precision Maintenance in Data Centers

  The emergence of portable computers, the internet, and the ubiquity of portable smart devices has given rise to a new type of industry–the data center. A data center is simply a building used to house computer servers. While these servers may be used for many different types of data storage, their requirements for in-house…

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Training or No Training, It’s a Leadership Question

It’s no secret that there is a shortage of skilled labor in manufacturing, specifically in machinery maintenance. Therefore, those in leadership positions must answer the question “training or no training?”. Another way to look at it is, am I willing to invest in the workforce to better insure a more reliable operation? I wrote a…

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Balancing How To #3-Where and How to Place and Affix a Trial Weight

Once unbalance is determined, the original unbalance run (amplitude and phase) is measured, and a trial weight size is determined, the next step is where to place the trial weight. If you have no balancing record for this rotor, where to place the weight is little more than a guess.  But there are some things…

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Visual Inspection of Couplings and Machinery Components

Some things just don’t pass the “eye test”.  Your eyes are actually great tools for seeing things that are not straight, not plumb, not level (pictures hanging on a wall for example), not right.  Many times, just by looking at a coupling you can tell “it’s not aligned”, and you are usually correct. Visual Inspection:…

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Alignment Check vs. Alignment

One question that arises regularly in training is about doing alignment checks. Is it okay to just check the alignment? Of course, it is. As a matter of fact, many industries have dedicated crews to specifically do alignment checks. The major difference is no equipment is moved, just measured. We lockout, remove guards, install the…

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Balancing How To #2 – Selecting a Proper Trial Weight

In our last Balancing How To, we discussed how to set up and get your original measurements on the rotor to be balanced.  This How To discusses selecting a proper trial weight. A trial weight is used to make a change in the original vibration amount and direction.  Changing either the AMOUNT of vibration (amplitude),…

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A Vector Approach to Single Plane Balancing

Unbalance (Imbalance) is often defined as the unequal distribution of the weight of a rotor about its rotating centerline. A rotor can be balanced either in-place or in a balancing machine assuming unbalance is the issue and weight can be added or removed.  Modern balancing instruments will do the math for you. I originally learned…

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