ReAligning America Seminar Teams up with Partner Calhoun Community College

If you have not heard of VibrAlign’s Realigning America Seminar Series, you should.  We have been hosting these seminars since 2013 focused on bringing alignment fundamentals to our industrial clientele in a short, half day, free educational event.  Since its inception, these programs which evolve to meet customer needs, have been to roughly 90 venues across the country with over 1600 attendees.  Most of these events have taken place at hotel conference sites.

Today I wanted to share with our readers about an event this month which was hosted not at a hotel, but at a different type of venue, the Calhoun Community College, Decatur Campus which is committed to technical skills education through its workforce solutions programs.

First, I want to extend many thanks to the college and its excellent staff for hosting our Realigning America seminar.  The facilities at Calhoun are by far the finest this presenter has ever had the pleasure of teaching in.  The event was well attended with a mixture of local industry maintenance and engineering personnel, current college students, and college teaching staff.


Second, I want to point out that Calhoun has dialed into what appears to be a very successful model for partnering with local industry to provide skilled workforce education development.  I hope to see this type of model more as the need for such education is clear in the industrial marketplace.  Calhoun’s staff, facilities, equipment, and funding are second to none that I have seen.

Third, I want to point out that the opportunity for us to partner on this event did not materialize out of nowhere.  Over several years, Calhoun has placed students in our Realigning America Scholarship competition – resulting in a scholarship winner and alignment tools for the school’s classroom use.

Finally, it is our hope in publishing this that other schools, students, or industries partnering with a local technical/community college will see this and inquire about how VibrAlign might help support your educational efforts.

We are hungry to teach.

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  1. Boom Lift on June 2, 2017 at 10:19 am

    Thanks for sharing the wonderful information with us.

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