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On numerous occasions I have witnessed brand new pump skids where the electric motor was already bolt bound. Bolt bound is common in all industries. While conducting the field alignment portion of a precision shaft alignment training class at a chemical plant in southeastern Georgia, I had the opportunity to witness innovation at work to resolve this common issue faced by shaft alignment technicians. (In this particular plant thermal growth, due to the high process temperatures, would actually contribute to bolt bound situations as well.)

This is where the innovation of Mr. Theodore Moody Sr. and Mr. “Big” Larry Cribbs (names used by permission) comes in. As shown in the following pictures, their modifications to the motor bases makes getting out of a bolt bound situation quick and easy by being prepared ahead of time.



Mr. Moody has drawings for quite a number of pump skids. If any of the readers of this blog are interested, I will contact Mr. Moody and see if he would be willing to share.


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  1. Ahmed on March 12, 2015 at 12:31 am

    Very small modifications can make the life of technicians easy and can save the plant countless hours…very good approach.

    I am extremely interested in the drawings of the baseplate. Please see if you can possibly share. Ahmed

  2. sashang on March 13, 2015 at 2:03 am

    Hi Mr. Mac, I have a query. If i understand it right, by adding jacking screws will prevent the bolt bound?. Also please request you to share the skid drawing. Thanks

  3. Mac MacCormack on March 13, 2015 at 8:20 am

    The jacking bolts are there to make horizontal corrections to motor misalignment and should be backed off or removed after completing the bolt tightening sequence. The modification to the bolt base is where additional adjustments could be made (if necessary) to quickly get out of a bolt bound condition.
    I will pass on your email address to Mr. Moody so you can communicate with him directly concerning the drawings.

  4. Mac MacCormack on March 13, 2015 at 8:22 am

    I will pass on your email address to Mr. Moody so you can communicate with him directly concerning the drawings.

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