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Fixturlaser NXA Pro Laser Shaft Alignment System Wins 2013 Product of the Year Award

The Fixturlaser NXA and VibrAlign have been named the Bronze 2013 Product of the Year in the Maintenance Tools and Equipment category.  The NXA won out over other nominees based on voting by readers of Plant Engineering magazine.  Fixturlaser and VibrAlign have previously won Product of the Year Gold awards in 1992 (CombiLaser) and in 1998 (V180), a Silver award in 2008 (Fixturlaser GO), a Bronze award in 2006 (Fixturlaser XA), as well as being nominated as a Finalist for the XA Upad in 2010.

David Zdrojewski, VibrAlign CEO, said of the nomination, “I was honored to be able to attend the awards dinner in Chicago and personally receive the Product of the Year award.  The award reflects the years of planning and development that went into the NXA Pro, and showcases Fixturlaser’s innovative design and manufacturing capabilities.”

The new Fixturlaser NXA Pro was designed to give alignment practitioners greater ease of use, long battery life to get them through the work day, and a screen display that can change in real time to always show the machine being aligned from the same viewing angle as seen by the operator.  No other laser alignment system can do this.

Plant Engineering Magazine organizes the annual Product of the Year competition to recognize the best new industrial products available in the United States.  This year Plant Engineering celebrates its 26th anniversary of the Product of the Year award program.  For more than a quarter-century, Plant Engineering’s readers have selected the outstanding new products that help them do their jobs smarter, safer, more efficiently and more productively.

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