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Video: Concepts of Shaft Alignment – Bearing Clearances

Another video in VibrAlign’s “Concepts of Shaft Alignment” video series is titled “Bearing Clearances”   The video illustrates radial and axial bearing clearances which can affect the precision shaft alignment process.

bearing clearanceThe video was based on ideas for visualizing alignment created by David Zdrojewski, CEO of VibrAlign.  According to Zdrojewski, “One of my passions is training alignment.  I’m on the road 40 weeks a year conducting training classes all over the United States.  Training alignment has given me some insight into how mechanics think.  We have applied that knowledge to creating useful and understandable communications.”

The video is available on VibrAlign’s Youtube channel.

VibrAlign has been providing shaft alignment expertise for 30 years to help America’s industry keep its rotating equipment operating.  This depth of experience and the company’s commitment to give back are the bases for VibrAlign’s Realign America campaign.  This expertise has also led to the development of a process for shaft alignment, which VibrAlign calls “Verti-Zontal”.  This new way to perform alignments can result in precision alignments being completed in record time.

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