Nest i4.0 Version 2.4.5

Software Update


You are receiving this email because you are a user of Acoem’s vibration hardware and software. We want to ensure that you’re taking advantage of the free software and firmware updates! In April, we released the latest version of NEST i4.0. Below you can find a summary of features added as well as a guide on how to find out what version you’re on. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance.

Hardware Compatibility

    • MVX 6.3.0-5 (release date July 13, 2023)
    • FALCON/SMC 1.66 (release date July 28, 2023)
    • EAGLE 2.25R51 (release date June 6, 2022)
    • NEW Shaft alignment app v3.1.1 (release date February 6, 2024)
    • Machine Defender app v2.00.3 (release date December 8, 2022)
    • SPARROW Version 47BT19OS15 with Gateway 2.0 (MQTT interface only)

New Features

    • Manual merging of two FALCON measurements
    • New automatic database cleanup strategy
    • Machine control date can be protected manually
    • Machine setup hyperlink from EAGLE instrument
    • Platform moderator can be notified by email
    • CSV file export is enriched
    • Sparrow licensing based on connected sensors
    • New user notifications categories
    • Database localization with Timezone property
    • New property to show/hide element in Vision
    • New access rights for NEST Vision users

NEST Vision replaces Webportal and AMP

    • Webportal becomes NEST Vision and stays an optional feature of NEST i4.0
    • New Machine “health status by month” graph into User Home Page
    • Tables dynamic filtering from bar graphs
    • New machine “Recommendations” tab with “Feedback” function
    • New machine “Lifeline” tab to present machine history
    • New function to add “notes” or “maintenance actions” + attachments (document, pictures...) into the machine history
    • Export machines recommendations and status in an Excel file (planner)
    • Generate Analysis Report file (.pdf or .docx) from the machines list
    • Defects list is presented into the machine “recommendations” tab
    • External work order for customer to track/plan site actions from an external application
    • Machine “name”, “designation” and “TAG” displayed into list and hierarchical tree tooltip
    • Custom views for multi-technical analysis (advisor on-demand subscription required)