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Understanding Phase Analysis in Vibration Diagnostics

Acoem USA blog post Using Phase Analysis for Accurate Analysis featured image

In vibration analysis, three key parameters—amplitude, frequency, and phase—are used to identify machinery issues and determine their severity. Each plays a unique role: amplitude reveals the severity of the problem, frequency identifies the nature of the problem, and phase provides insight into how vibration signals move in relation to one another.   What is Phase…

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Collecting Extra Data in Routine PM Inspections

Basic machine setups are typically made to collect all the data we need for each asset. This is not always possible or reasonable as we would spend far more time collecting a massive amount of rarely used data. So, we compromise by creating additional readings on the fly to get the best of both worlds.…

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Sampling Frequency and the Time Waveform

Sampling frequency can be a confusing component of building a time waveform. What makes it confusing for many analysts who are learning Level III concepts is that it is always described in conjunction with a number of samples, resolution, and bandwidth. For this article, we will only focus on breaking out this one simple concept.…

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A CM Engineer’s Journey in Condition Monitoring

The world of Condition Monitoring (CM) has undergone a remarkable transformation since the early 2000s. This blog post chronicles the experience of a mechanical engineer who entered the industrial reliability field fresh out of university, a time when CM wasn’t even part of the curriculum. It felt like graduating doctors weren’t trained on medical devices…

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Vibration Alarms – Utilizing ISO Standards

Setting up vibration alarms in a vibration analysis program can be challenging. Questions such as whether to use overall alarms for acceleration, velocity, or displacement, and whether to measure RMS, peak, or peak-to-peak values can complicate the process. However, the ISO standard 20816-3 provides a straightforward solution.   Utilizing ISO Standard 20816-3 This standard offers…

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A Closer Look at Sidebands in the FFT Spectrum

An isometric illustration of a sideband waveform and a maintenance technician dressed in a blue work uniform and hardhat looking at it with binoculars. The man is small in comparison to the size of the waveforms.

There are times when you will observe sidebands in the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) spectrum. These sidebands are a common occurrence and are often linked to specific mechanical and electrical issues such as gear mesh frequencies, inner race bearing faults, and various electrical anomalies. Understanding their significance requires a deeper examination. Sidebands provide critical insights…

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A Pump Tale: Misalignment Exposed

Angular Misalignment from video by Acoem USA Offset & Angularity

Vibration data was taken on a motor/pump during initial training on the Acoem Falcon. This pump was chosen based on history and a visual inspection. The visual inspection pointed towards a potential misalignment issue.   Misalignment Diagnosis The Accurex software in the Falcon diagnosed misalignment. This was confirmed by the Acoem EVO laser alignment tool.…

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What is Frequency in Vibration Analysis?

The bearing defender screen that shows frequencies.

Frequency is as simple as the name implies, it is the number of times an event occurs in a set amount of time. In vibration analysis, we reference frequency to either cycles per second (Hz) or cycles per minute (CPM).   Calculating Frequency & Cycles Per Minute (CPM) The frequency can be expressed mathematically as…

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Let’s Have a Talk About Communication

All successful reliability programs have one thing in common – strong communication between all plant resources. Although this concept does not have any direct relevance to maintenance, it is an important topic to reflect on. Keeping a constant line of communication with operations, maintenance teams, management, and everybody else at your facility will provide feedback…

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2 Channel Measurements

There are times when it is useful to take 2 simultaneous measurements and compare the phase (or position of the shaft) from one position relative to the other.  This is most commonly used with displacement probes on journal bearings and is a powerful diagnostic tool on this type of equipment, as well as provides you…

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Exploring Vibration Analysis Technologies

In the realm of industrial maintenance, understanding the health of machinery is paramount. One of the most effective tools in this pursuit is Vibration Analysis technology. By examining the oscillations and vibrations of machinery, it’s possible to detect early signs of wear, misalignment, and other issues before they escalate into costly failures. In this article,…

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Gearboxes – Know your Machines

Gearboxes are used in numerous applications, including machine tools, industrial equipment, conveyor belt drives, and just about any power transmission application with rotary motion that requires a change in torque and/or speed. Output speed and torque are always going to be in contrast to each other – if you use a gearbox to increase the…

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The Silver Tsunami and What You Can Do About It

I recently heard the term “silver tsunami” at a conference in Florida. It has been around since the 1980s. It refers to the current and pending retirements of Baby Boomers (Gen X is not far behind), and the void it will create in the workplace. Not as much a void of people but a void…

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Is It Mechanical or Electrical?

Analyzing vibration data can be a difficult job. Using VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) motors can make it even more difficult. Pattern recognition is a huge part of this process. However, diagnosing between electrical and mechanical vibration patterns can be challenging.   Is it a Mechanical or Electrical Problem? First, a straightforward way to distinguish between…

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Closing the Loop in Reliability

The Journey of Reliability A machine is identified by the vibration analyst and recommendations are made for repair, the planner orders the parts, management gets together and determines when the repairs are made, and the maintenance team carries out the plan to replace the defective component. Success! We averted disaster once again! … And the…

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