
Condition Monitoring


Online Condition
Monitoring System
Online Condition
Monitoring System
Keep a close eye on your most valuable assets continuously, with this real-time monitoring system.
Acoem MV-x

The MV-x system offers versatile configurations for synchronous data collection, ranging from 6 to 32 channels per device, enabling comprehensive monitoring capabilities across various assets on the plant floor.

Continuous Monitoring with MV-x:

  • The MV-x system offers adaptable monitoring solutions for diverse assets, ranging from complex machinery to critical components.
  • Ideal for maintenance and reliability teams that need continuous monitoring capabilities, ensuring timely detection of machine conditions, particularly suitable for frequent assessments beyond routine route collection.

MV-x Features

A Centralized System
Accurex AI for automatic diagnosis with intelligent data processing on the MV-x to save storage and bandwidth.
Smart Monitoring
Real time monitoring with flexible configurations.
Communicate within your plant using Modbus or OPC/UA.

What's Included

The MV-x is customizable to you- it can come standalone, or our expert personnel can assist in selecting the best sensors, cables, etc. for your application.
  • Limited lifetime warranty

  • No annual maintenance fees

  • Software and firmware updates (life of tool)


Want to Learn More About the MV-x?

Click either of the buttons below to request a formal quote or request a demo with an Acoem USA representative.