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VibrAlign Awards Scholarships to Three College Industrial Maintenance Programs

Chattanooga State Community College student Laura Horesovsky, Texas State Technical College student Kyle Everett and Southwestern Illinois College student Ashley Robinson wrote essays that won each of them a scholarship and earned their college’s industrial maintenance program a free state-of-the-art laser shaft alignment system.

The national award is part of VibrAlign’s Realigning America scholarship program.  Every quarter the program awards scholarships to the students who submit the best essays about their experiences learning industrial machinery maintenance.

The winning essays won each student a $500 scholarship and the school a Fixturlaser laser alignment system.

According to David Zdrojewski, VibrAlign chief executive officer, “America’s industrial workforce is aging. As a country we face the challenge of training the next generation. We want to do everything we can to support the training of America’s future industrial workforce so they can compete on the world stage.  Helping schools like Chattanooga State, Texas Tech and Southwestern Illinois is a big part of our commitment to Realigning America.”

Information about the colleges can be accessed online at www.chattanoogastate.edu, www.swic.edu, and www.tstc.edu.

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