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Pry Bars, Sledge Hammers and Come Alongs – Oh MY!

Precision alignment of rotating equipment is a task which requires precision. Those of us who perform this task are asked to position big, heavy machines to tolerances often less than the thickness of a human hair. The measuring tools used to perform shaft alignment are quite capable of successfully showing us how to position these…

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Precision Alignment of Machines Installed on an Incline

Occasionally industrial machinery is not level relative to earth, but is designed to operate on an angle. Those angles can be: • Driver High • Driver Low • Angled to the left or right (as viewed from one end) Regardless of the orientation, these machines can be effectively and easily aligned with any Fixturlaser Shaft…

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Dowelling Machinery

A dowel pin, in its simplest form, is a hardened steel shaft, usually very short, and can be straight or tapered. It is often used in machinery for: Precise locating of machinery components, such as the top half of a pump, gearbox components, line shaft bearings, etc. Dowels are usually located in diagonal corners of…

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Flatness for Shaft Alignment-Revisited

A reader of our blog posted a comment stating that he could not cut a step shim to correct for angular soft foot, since it was not permitted in API standards. Which, naturally, made me do two things: • Look at API Standards, because, at least in my 33 years of aligning machinery, I have…

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A Little Shim Can Make a Big Difference

To the casual observer, precision shaft alignment of large machinery may look like “grunt work” a task that only requires a strong back. But those of us who perform shaft alignment know it is moving big heavy machines to within very small tolerances. As such, small movements can often make big differences in alignment quality.…

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Help Your Laser Shaft Alignment System See!

For precision shaft alignment, nothing beats a good laser alignment tool. But the best of tools can have errors, or not even work at all, if the Sensors (detectors) can’t “see” the laser beams! We received a customer support call, and the aligner stated that his laser alignment tool wasn’t repeating. This is a rare…

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Coupling Alignment Tolerances vs. Shaft Alignment Tolerances

A coupling alignment tolerance and a shaft alignment tolerance are different things – VERY different things! A Coupling Alignment Tolerance is often (but not always) the maximum amount of misalignment the coupling will operate at before premature failure. A Shaft Alignment Tolerance is the maximum amount of misalignment the shafts can tolerate before they begin…

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Machine Train Shaft Alignment Tricks

Simply stated, a machine train is when three or more machine components are coupled together, acting as one.  Machine train alignment can sometimes be a complicated task. Some laser alignment tools can measure machine trains of up to several machines, simplifying the move options.  Whether you have a machine train program or not, by using…

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How to Perform a Precision Alignment When Nearby Machines Are Vibrating.

Equipment rooms can sometimes have numerous machines running all at once-side by side.  Often, technicians are required to perform a precision alignment next to a machine which is running.  The technicians are right to be concerned about vibration from nearby machines, but the concern can be greatly reduced if certain procedures are followed. The first…

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How To Align a “Moving” Motor.

After 34 years, aligning a few thousand machines, teaching millwright training for a technical college, and being an instructor for VibrAlign, I sometimes think that no alignment challenge can beat me!  Then something comes along to really put me in my place! I was put in such a place while training at a large manufacturer…

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What To Do When They Want To Run the Machine NOW!

I frequently hear statements similar to these in training classes: We just straightedge it in, and align it when we have an outage. Don’t be so picky.  It IS a flexible coupling. They won’t give me time to align it properly. My answers are something along these lines: I doubt they’ll let you go back…

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In Laser Alignment, Size Matters!

When performing precision shaft alignment, regardless of the measuring tools being used, size matters.  Many coupled machines have obstructions around the couplings, such as transmitters, oil or cooling lines, conduit clamps, and many other components which can make precision laser shaft alignment challenging. Fixturlaser’s new generation Bluetooth sensors (pictured on the left above) are the…

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Spacer Shafts, Jack Shafts, Line Shafts, and Spool-pieces

In shaft alignment, the terms Spacer Shaft, Jack Shaft, and Spool-piece are often interchanged.  They refer to a shaft which connects the driving machine to the driven machine.  While the name is not so important, the type of configuration must be known, because the method of alignment can be different depending upon the type. They…

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Can Precision Shaft Alignment Be Too Good?

A shaft alignment tolerance is simply that – an allowable, minimal amount of misalignment.  There are many different tolerance tables for shaft alignment.  At VibrAlign, we have a good alignment tolerance, based on many years of experience and engineering.  Other alignment tools have their own tolerance tables.  Many technical and trade organizations have their alignment…

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Sheave Alignment Is the First Step in Making V-Belts Last

VibrAlign recently released an excellent “how-to” video on its You Tube channel.  This video explains not only how to use the VibrAlign Belt Hog laser sheave/pulley alignment tool, but also introduces the 3 concepts of sheave misalignment and how to correct them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmtMGikWApw However proper sheave alignment is only one step in making belts last. …

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