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Changing ONEPROD FALCON Settings for Hard-Wire Sensors

From time to time, when performing route-based vibration analysis, you run across situations where access is limited to a data collection point. For example, this large pump below.

Climbing up a structure to collect vibration data is unsafe and keeping a ladder stationed nearby can cause headaches as well. A simple solution is to permanently mount a sensor in the location you want to monitor as was discussed in a previous blog Permanent Mounted Sensors.

When using the Falcon or SMC connecting to a hard-wired accelerometer (sensor) is very simple. A machine being analyzed can have a mix of data collection points consisting of hard-wired single axis sensors, hard-wired tri-axial sensors and the standard WLS wireless tri-axial sensor that accompanies the Falcon and SMC.

For example, when you arrive at a data point that needs to be switched from the wireless tri-axial sensor to a hard-wired single axis sensor simply select the settings shortcut on the Falcon.

Once you have accessed the settings menu select “Measurement”.

In the next sub menu there are two options at the bottom you can change based on your needs. For our example we will change from the “Multi” and “Wireless” settings shown below.

To the settings “Single” and “Wire”.

Once the correct settings are selected press “Save” and then “Return” to go back to the data collection screen. When you have completed the data collection with the new setting you can repeat the above process in whatever order you need for the other data collection points in the machine.


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