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Fixturlaser NXA Pro Laser Shaft Alignment System Nominated A Product of the Year 2013 Finalist by Plant Engineering Magazine

The Fixturlaser NXA and its U.S. distributor VibrAlign have been nominated as a Finalist for the Plant Engineering 2013 Product of the Year award in the Maintenance Tools and Equipment category. Fixturlaser and VibrAlign have previously won Product of the Year Gold awards in 1992 (CombiLaser) and in 1998 (V180), a Silver award in 2008 (Fixturlaser GO), a Bronze award in 2006 (Fixturlaser XA), as well as being nominated as a Finalist for the XA Upad in 2010.

David Zdrojewski, VibrAlign CEO, said of the nomination, “We are honored to once again be nominated to receive this prestigious award. We work very closely with Fixturlaser on the development of new products that meet our customers’ shaft alignment needs. It’s gratifying to see our efforts recognized. The NXA Pro represents years of planning and development and showcases Fixturlaser’s innovative design and manufacturing capabilities.”

The new Fixturlaser NXA Pro laser-based shaft alignment tool utilizes the latest technology in digital signal processing, as well as other innovations with advanced functions and capabilities, to provide faster and even more intuitive operation. For example, a MEMS (microelectromechanical systems) gyroscope in the display unit powers the new OmniView function. With OmniView, the screen display changes in real time to always show the machine being aligned from the same viewing angle as seen by the operator, i.e., the system logs the user’s position and keeps track of it in relation to the machine. No other laser alignment system can do this.

Plant Engineering Magazine organizes the annual Product of the Year competition to recognize the best new industrial products available in the United States. This year Plant Engineering celebrates its 26th anniversary of the Product of the Year award program. For more than a quarter-century, Plant Engineering’s readers have selected the outstanding new products that help them do their jobs smarter, safer, more efficiently and more productively.

Qualified Plant Engineering subscribers (print and digital) review and vote on the finalists, selecting the winners who will be honored at the annual Engineering Awards in Manufacturing dinner in Chicago, hosted by CFE Media. The product that receives the most votes among all entries will receive the Grand Award.

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