Generating an Alignment Report with the Fixturlaser NXA

When a machine is checked, and found to be out of alignment, the “as found” alignment data can be saved.  Soft foot checks and corrections can also be saved. Continue with the alignment, and when in tolerance save the “as left” alignment.

Exit to the Main Menu of the NXA, then press the File Cabinet Icon to open the Memory Manager.

In the upper right-hand corner of the Measurements Menu, you will see a PDF icon.

Check the saved alignment files you wish to include in the PDF report.  When checked, you will see check marks in the selection boxes.

Touch the PDF icon to continue. The PDF Reporter will open, and ask you to name the PDF file.  Select the check to confirm and save the report after naming.

Fill in the information you choose to add to the report, and press the “check” icon.  The report will only take a few seconds to generate.

Once this is completed, exit back out to the Main Menu.

From the Main Menu, insert a USB drive into the NXA.  It will automatically open the memory manager.  Select the name of the PDF report you generated, by adding a check to the box beside the report name.  Once checked, touch on the “USB” icon in the lower right-hand corner to copy the report onto the USB drive.

The report will appear as below when viewed on a PC or printed.


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  1. Alan Lashley on May 26, 2018 at 8:00 am

    Did not know this tip Stan, thanks for sharing.

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