Upgrade Your Shaft Alignment Tool Today with Acoem's AT-Series Trade-In Program! Click Here to Learn More About This Limited Time Offer

Time is a commodity maintenance personnel typically have in short supply. We hear quite often, in our on-site Shaft Alignment Best Practices training classes, “………. doesn’t give us enough time for a proper shaft alignment”. So how can maintenance personnel get more time for shaft alignment? Stop wasting it!

I had the pleasure of working with the maintenance team at a South Carolina manufacturing plant that had an outstanding alignment kit they roll out to every alignment job.

Their alignment tool box had all the items typically used during a precision shaft alignment including several types of coupling grease, various sizes of thick flat washers (for replacing cupped washers), a dial caliper (for measuring shims), extra batteries for their Fixturlaser GO, and full A, B, C, & D shim kits. The size A & B shims are neatly laid out in separate drawers with the larger C & D kits in the bottom of the tool box.


Their “Alignment Tool Box” is rolled out to every alignment job so there is no wasted time, it’s all right there. No wasted time going back to the shop or store room for batteries, different sized shims, washers etc. This is time they have gained which is spent on the actual shaft alignment.

As a bonus, more time is gained as shim changes to correct the vertical alignment were very quick and the shim stacks under the motor feet were easily consolidated to keep the shim count to 5 or less.

As the saying goes “Time is Money”. Save time by creating your own in house alignment tool box specific for your facility.

Save Time. Save Money. Save the Machine.

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