Upgrade Your Shaft Alignment Tool Today with Acoem's AT-Series Trade-In Program! Click Here to Learn More About This Limited Time Offer

pump alignment at chemical plantOne of our trainers recently taught an XA Pro class at a large chemical company in Western Kentucky. Normally, our training classes consist of one day of classroom training, and ½ day of field alignments done by the students.

During the field alignment part of the class, the students aligned four overhung pumps, rated between 50 to 100 HP, in two hours. This included lockout/tagout, removing guards, alignment and replacing guards.

Student comments included:
This XA makes alignment so easy, it doesn’t even seem like work!
• We can align faster than the electricians can wire up the motor!
• Even old guys like me can use this!
• If I follow the training, and get rid of the soft foot, (the alignment) goes exactly like you said it would!

Express Alignment—there’s a reason for the name!

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