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upadXA a Finalist for the 2010 Plant Engineering Product of the Year!

In 2010 VibrAlign Inc.  launched a new laser from Fixturlaser called the upadXA.  This laser was considered the brother product of the Fixturlaser XA.

Look at this size difference!

The upadXA has all the functionality of the larger hand-held display unit, but with a smaller, 3.5 inch screen.  The screen, with VGA resolution of 640 x 480 pixels, is backlit and trans-reflective to provide good visibility in poor lighting conditions as well as in strong sunlight.

Like its big brother the upadXA touch-screen uses animated, on-screen graphics to guide the user through the alignment process.  Color-coded measurement values and icons provide ready indication of the alignment condition during the alignment process.  The upadXA is equipped with a Velcro® strap that keeps it in place on the user’s arm.

Upad XA doing its job… aligning!

Plant Engineering has nominated the upadXA as a finalist for its 2010 Product of the Year.  In its 23rd year, Product of the Year is recognized as the most prestigious award for new products in the manufacturing sector.

Plant Engineering Product of the Year Finalist for 2010

Voting for the award begins in late November, so check back for an update and please vote for upadXA for Product of the Year!

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