Base/Bolt Bound Math

Base-bound and bolt-bound problems do not need to be the end of your machine alignment. It just means the original rotational centerline of the stationary machine we want the movable machine to be co-linear with isn’t a practical solution. Most of the high-end laser alignment systems today have some kind of calculator to show alternate…

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Dial Indicator Concepts

Do you understand the fundamentals of dial indicators? It is essential to understand the following 3 dial indicator concepts: 1. Total Indicator Reading, or TIR, 2. The Validity Rule, and 3. True Position Sensing. Total Indicator Reading I’ll zero my dial indicator at 12, and then roll it 180 degrees to 6:00. It reads 30…

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Organizing Your Shaft Alignment Job

One of the great things about being out and about with other shaft alignment professionals is seeing how they get work done. Two recent shaft alignment training classes had some great examples of how to stay organized. During an alignment on a gas compressor a few weeks ago, these guys had to manage shims at…

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Take A Step Back During Your Shaft Alignment

Sometimes we get wrapped up in our work. So much so that we forget to take a step back and get the big picture. Whether using dial indicators or a laser alignment tool for shaft alignment, backing up a few feet and taking in the whole system might give you some insight into how to…

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Cutting Shims to Correct Soft Foot During A Shaft Alignment

Here’s a thought-provoking question for you my fellow shaft aligners: is cutting shims to correct soft foot overkill? That concern was addressed last week during a shaft alignment training class where we aligned a nice little water pump. The motor had one of the stamped out bases that are always fun to work with. We…

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Shaft Alignment Training with Dial Indicators

This past week I had the pleasure of teaching a couple hybrid shaft alignment training classes–part of each class was using the rim and face dial indicator method and the other part was using a laser alignment tool. I love these classes because I learn a lot so what nuggets of wisdom was I able…

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Troubleshooting Looseness During Shaft Alignment

Everyone has had shaft alignments that seemed to be possessed. Whether you’re using a laser alignment system or dial indicators, one set of readings tells you to go in one direction, the next set of readings tells you something completely different. If you’re having repeatability problems, something is loose. Is it that simple? Yes! So…

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What’s So Special About the Verti-Zontal?

Sometimes we get some funny looks during our shaft alignment training classes when we toss out our new word. Verti-what? Why do it that way? Some folks are still in the habit of checking and rechecking their alignment results to make sure one piece of the puzzle is in place before moving on. I guess…

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Free “Laser-Dials” Shaft Alignment App

VibrAlign has launched a Free “Laser-Dials” Shaft Alignment App for iPhone, iPad, and Android that converts rotating shaft alignment data between dial indicator readings, and laser shaft alignment system angles and offsets. The “Laser-Dials” App is available for download at the Apple App Store and Google Play. Read more about the “Laser-Dials” App in our…

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Launch of

VibrAlign has now launched, a website for Compressor Shaft Alignment and Flatness Measurement. Read more about it in our press release via PRWeb!  

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Foot Tolerances vs. Coupling Center Tolerances

Pardon the hiatus last week, folks. We did a little maintenance on the blog–be sure to check out the new tabs up top designed to help you navigate better. Let’s jump back into it–foot tolerances vs coupling center tolerances. It’s a hotly debated topic in some circles. I’m no great debater but let’s take a…

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Plan Your Work, Then Work Your Plan

In my last two classes, we (well, they) aligned a couple pumps that were a little finicky. OK, they were pains. But they were alignable. The process and troubleshooting steps we practiced in class were applied to real-world, flimsy-based, soft foot-ridden, base/bolt-bounded equipment. Completing the pre-alignment steps, using the Verti-Zontal compound move, knowing what to troubleshoot…

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Who Decides Your Shaft Alignment Tolerances?

When you opt to use your own shaft alignment tolerances instead of using the industry standards, how do you decide what to use? The subject of shaft alignment tolerances has been touched on before but a couple interesting discussions have taken place recently during training classes. The Fixturlaser XAs and GOs allow you the option to…

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