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Precision Alignment of Machines Installed on an Incline

Occasionally industrial machinery is not level relative to earth, but is designed to operate on an angle. Those angles can be:

• Driver High
• Driver Low
• Angled to the left or right (as viewed from one end)

Regardless of the orientation, these machines can be effectively and easily aligned with any Fixturlaser Shaft Alignment tool.

Fixturlaser NXA Professional or Ultimate: The NXA sensors use gyroscopes to sense relative position to earth in three axes, perform the alignment as “normal” using your preferred measurement method.

Fixturlaser XA; these tools use inclinometers to sense relative earth position on two axes-vertical and horizontal. When these tools are mounted onto a machine which is not earth level (usually about 25-30 degrees), the alignment can be performed using the the Clock Measurement Method.

EVO, GO Pro, GO Basic (and legacy systems); all of these tools use inclinometers to sense relative earth position on two axes-vertical and horizontal. When these tools are mounted onto a machine which is not earth level (usually about 25-30 degrees), the inclinometers are turned off, and the Clock Measurement Method is used to take alignment readings.

Any alignment tool can perform this type of alignment, but a couple of considerations should be remembered.

• “Horizontal” is not earth horizontal, but parallel to the baseplate.
• “Vertical” is not earth vertical, but perpendicular to the baseplate.

Keep these tips in mind when of you perform a precision shaft alignment of an angled machine, and it will be as simple as any other alignment.

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  1. […] High • Driver Low • Angled to the left or right (as viewed from one end) Regardless […] Read More Source: The Alignment […]

  2. precision inclinometer on October 20, 2015 at 5:21 am

    very nice article and very innovative
    and great article and nice
    article Thank you
    For this

  3. Mohamed Khairy on October 31, 2016 at 7:54 am

    Dear Sir,

    Regarding Angled to the left or right case how can we proceed with live feet correction using Fixturlaser NXA Pro.

    Also how can we check soft soot using same device.

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