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A Vertical Shaft Alignment Process

The inclinometers in a laser alignment system work against gravity in the horizontal plane for a typical horizontal shaft alignment. When performing a vertical shaft alignment, the process will be different. Here is the process for aligning a vertically-mounted C-faced motor as shown on a vertical alignment demonstrator:

V-Tek Vertical Shaft Alignment Demonstrator

Photo of Vertical Shaft Alignment Training Demonstrator courtesy of V-Tek Associates. www.vtekassociates.com

    1. Mount the sensors across the coupling. Special considerations might need to be made for rigid couplings or with space considerations. (http://acoem.us/blog/2011/09/15/vertical-pumps-alignment/)
    2. Input dimensions per the prompts. Special dimensions typically include diameter of the bolt pattern and number of bolts.
    3. Enter the number the bolts. Typically start the number one bolt at a place you can make an adjustment.
    4. Measure starting at bolt 1. Three measurements are taken 90 degrees apart starting at bolt one.VibrAlign Vertical Shaft Alignment P1
      VibrAlign Vertical Shaft Alignment P2VibrAlign Vertical Shaft Alignment P3


    1. The results are displayed. These are mils of shims required under the appropriate bolt.
      VibrAlign Vertical Shaft Alignment P4


    1. Correct the angularity by adding shims under the appropriate bolt. Pay attention to your numbering system and direction of rotation.
      V-Tek Vertical Shaft Alignment Demonstrator Adjustment


  1. Correct the offset by positioning the laser at a point and adjust live until within tolerance.
  2. Rotate the laser 90 degrees and adjust the other offset live.
  3. Remeasure to check results.
    VibrAlign Vertical Shaft Alignment P5


VibrAlign Vertical Shaft Alignment SetupHave you done any vertical alignments lately? Leave a comment! We’d love to hear about it. Also don’t forget to sign up for our Realign America campaign. There are prizes!

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  1. Submersible Motors on November 28, 2012 at 9:36 am

    good works its very useful for us thank you very much

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