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What is Machine Misalignment Costing You?

We often hear from clients that machine misalignment is a costly and inconvenient problem. But, just how costly is it? It is far more expensive than most people realize, especially when you take today’s supply chain concerns into account. Between downtime, equipment damages, overtime for repairs, and supply chain interruptions, a fairly minor amount of misalignment…

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How Vibration is Measured (Cont.): Vibration Level Charts, ISO Values, and More

In Part 1 of How Vibration is Measured, we discussed how equipment vibration is measured.  An accelerometer mounted to a machine bearing vibrates.  This vibration in the accelerometer produces a voltage.  The amount of movement of the accelerometer determines the amount of voltage, and the severity.  The frequency of the voltage (how many times per…

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How Vibration is Measured: A Look at Sine Waves, FFT, and More

Machinery vibration continues is an indispensable tool for knowing the condition of machine components.  While analyzing vibration can sometimes be complex, understanding the basics of what a vibration signal is can simplify the process. Taking a vibration measurement on equipment typically requires two components – an accelerometer, and a device, such as a vibration analyzer…

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Watch Your Grease!

In Acoem USA’s Reliable Precision Maintenance (RPM) class, we discuss several key points maintenance personnel need to know about lubrication. One of those points is grease compatibility. At a recent class, our students mentioned they only used two kinds of grease. When we asked what they were, they didn’t remember the name. So, one of…

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Uncoupled Alignment

Although most machines are aligned with the coupling installed there are occasions where it is better to align a machine uncoupled.  A couple of considerations: 1 – Shafts are rotated independently. 2 – Use the inclinometers (outside two numbers) to match angles within less than .5 degrees before taking a measurement. 3 – The shafts…

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Using the Acoem Bearing Defender as a Lubrication Tool

Co-author, Stan Riddle. Lubricating bearings on a regular PM schedule has some inherent problems-mainly, how do you know if a bearing needs lubricating or not?  If the bearing seal is not compromised, grease should stay in the bearing, and provide lubrication for a long time.  But if the seal is blown, the bearing will require…

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Belt Drive Basics

All over the world belts provide power transmission in transportation, industrial and commercial machines. Belt drives for power transmission are classified as frictional drives. The belt transmits power by contacting the sides of the drive and driven sheaves. Belts are available in several styles: Flat belts, v-belts, Synchronous (timing) belts and Multi-ribbed belts. While belts…

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Coupling Tolerances vs. Shaft Alignment Tolerances, revisited

We have several blogs discussing the differences between coupling alignment tolerances and precision shaft alignment tolerances (see links below). As stated in those blogs the coupling manufacture’s tolerances are for the coupling. As maintenance professionals we are concerned with the coupling, however we are more concerned with the bearings in the machines. Precision shaft alignment…

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An Old Maintenance Mechanic’s Look at the Next Generation

This grainy photo was from my last day at a Weyerhaeuser mill in 1987.  I was a 26 year old millwright.  If you look closely, you’ll see an IBM computer in the storeroom.  We had another one we used for running Palomar Microlog vibration data collection.  We had a first generation laser alignment tool, but…

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Acoem expands its footprint in North America

Acoem widens its Industry 4.0 reliability services capabilities in North America with the integration of Reliability Point Acoem’s vision of becoming the world leader in Industry 4.0 reliability solutions and services took another leap forward this week with the acquisition of the Reliability division of US asset Integrity and Reliability company, Reliability Point. Reliability Point,…

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Why Don’t I Input a Coupling Diameter?

We often get asked why we don’t input a coupling diameter when performing a precision shaft alignment with the ACOEM laser alignment systems. The coupling diameter (or more correctly sweep of a face dial indicator) is only required when doing a rim and face dial indicator alignment or when the user wants to know the…

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6 Ways Machine Maintenance Helps the Environment

The idea of maintaining machinery and maintaining the environment may sound like science fiction, or like apples and oranges. However maintaining equipment can have a direct, positive, measurable, and meaningful effect on the planet, the plant, and the people who own and work on them, if executed properly.  How? Machinery that is designed properly, and…

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How to Know if Your Machine is Critical

What is criticality and why is it important for your machines? Machine criticality makes it possible to define the prioritization of maintenance actions, in order to ensure that the production system works as close to its nominal capacity as possible. Each of the analyzed machines must be classified accordingly by three levels of impact (ABC…

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Lubricant ID Tags: The Pros and Cons

Are your bearings failing? If so, the lubricant you’re using might be the culprit. Whether you use the original equipment manufacturer’s (OEM) lubricant recommendation or an alternative (though, OEM is recommended for optimal performance), an incorrect application can lead to costly failures. Well you’re in luck because a simple solution you are likely familiar with…

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Which Maintenance Program is Right for My Facility?

Proactive Maintenance

While preventive and predictive maintenance both play an important role in maintaining the overall health of your equipment, there are a few differences between these two types of maintenance. Which is best for your facility? Let’s consider the pros and cons.   Preventive Maintenance Preventive maintenance is planned and takes place on a recurring basis.…

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