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What the Verti-Zontal Compound Move Means To Me

VibrAlign’s Verti-Zontal Compound Move is a shaft alignment process to allow the aligner to make both vertical and horizontal alignment corrections with a single measurement, or spin of the shafts. It’s touted as making shaft alignments faster and more accurate. But here’s what it means to me – it makes shaft alignment EASIER! If I…

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Organizing Your Shaft Alignment Job

One of the great things about being out and about with other shaft alignment professionals is seeing how they get work done. Two recent shaft alignment training classes had some great examples of how to stay organized. During an alignment on a gas compressor a few weeks ago, these guys had to manage shims at…

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What’s So Special About the Verti-Zontal?

Sometimes we get some funny looks during our shaft alignment training classes when we toss out our new word. Verti-what? Why do it that way? Some folks are still in the habit of checking and rechecking their alignment results to make sure one piece of the puzzle is in place before moving on. I guess…

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Plan Your Work, Then Work Your Plan

In my last two classes, we (well, they) aligned a couple pumps that were a little finicky. OK, they were pains. But they were alignable. The process and troubleshooting steps we practiced in class were applied to real-world, flimsy-based, soft foot-ridden, base/bolt-bounded equipment. Completing the pre-alignment steps, using the Verti-Zontal compound move, knowing what to troubleshoot…

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